Remember WhatsApp imposed a strict forwarding rule in the first half of 2020 to reduce the spread of fake news about COVID-19. The rule allowed all the WhatsApp users to forward a message to only one person at a time; however, later on, the messaging app revoked this rule.
Currently, the vaccination program is taking place at various corners around the globe. And as usual, pro-active peoples are sharing their opinions on social media platforms. It’s not the problem exactly; the actual problem is some people without having any knowledge of medical science and related subjects posting as well as spreading false news and those are influencing a percentage of common people. Ultimately, the followers are suffering.
To protest, the microblogging site, Twitter comes forward and taking actions against the accounts from where misinformation regarding the vaccination is coming on the internet. In case you don’t know, there is a dedicated COVID-19 section in the search on Twitter still now, where you can find all the information posted regarding the coronavirus outbreak.
Twitter is aiming to remove all the misleading false contents regarding the virus and vaccination program that will have the highest risk. It claims that, since its COVID-19 guidelines are imposed, it removed over 8,400 tweets and canceled around 11.5 million accounts already.
Twitter is taking these steps so that users like us can get useful information regarding the coronavirus outbreak and genuine health care advice.
Katy Minshall, the Twitter head of UK said Reuters, “We continue to work with health authorities around the world – including (Britain’s health service) the NHS – to ensure high visibility access to trusted and accurate public health information on our service, including about COVID-19 vaccines,” She further added, “Today we will begin applying labels to tweets that may contain misleading information about COVID-19 vaccines, in addition to our continued efforts to remove the most harmful COVID-19 misleading information from the service.”