Netflix has recently released the trailer of the upcoming thriller film & Prisoners, it has yet to hit on the selected theatres and also globally on the streaming services in November.
This film has already been recognized by the collateral awards of the 78th Venice International Film Festival, it has already been got the Sorriso Diverso Venezoia Award as the Best Belgian Film ever, and honourably it has been mentioned from the Fondazione Fai Persona Lavoro Ambiente. This film has been directed by Socrates who is also the director of Alexandre Moratto, and the story has written by Moratto and Thayna Mantesso.
The trailer depicts the 18-year-old Mateu that has been played by Christian Malheiros who has at last accepted his hob at the junkyard in Sao Paolo for the betterment of his family life, which has also been shuttled with such few other boys in the city.
After the arrival of the boys, they have soon realized that they will definitely endure all the exhausting work in the scrapyard that has been run by the terrible Luca. In such an awful condition, he has been concluded that if he desires to escape then he might have been using all of his wit and also become someone that he had never thought that he will become.
The story of the film is mainly a tense thriller that is depending on the masterful study of power, solidarity, and betrayal.
This film is featuring Malheiros, Santoro, Bruno Rocha, Vitor Julian, Licas Oranmian, Cecilla Homem de Mello, and also Dirce Thomaz. The producer of the film is Ramin Bahrain who is nominated for the Oscar, and Fernando Meirelles also with Moratto, Andrea Barata Ribeiro, and also Bel Berlinck. It has been marked as the second feature from the Morato.
This film is definitely one of the wild rides that the 7 Prisoners has been certain to become one of the wild rides, also with many emotional and touchy moments that have been guided by betrayal, evil, and tension. This film will release in selected theatres and also globally on Netflix in November.
Here is the trailer: