Filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra has shared the trailer of his upcoming documentary, Zero Se Restart. This gripping project gives an insider’s view on the process behind the making of his 2023, critically lauded film, 12th Fail. This groundbreaking documentary film will show you how creating one of the most talked-about films of the year came to life, how the landscapes were transformed and the heart in it all, and well, believe us, you won’t take that road trip alone.
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Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s Zero Se Restart Trailer Offers Behind-the-Scenes Look at 12th Fail
Cast and Crew
Vidhu Vinod Chopra, a talented director leads a talented team with Zero Se Restart. 12th Fail lead actor Vikrant Massey is also shown at work with the documentary highlighting the work of actors in the process. Narrated, edited, and directed by Jaskunwar Kohli, the film features a stirring soundtrack by Shantanu Moitra, the composer of 12th Fail.
Trailer Highlights
The intriguing teaser gives a sneak peek into the struggles and successes behind the making of 12th Fail. It opens by highlighting accolades the film has received from heavyweights such as Kamal Haasan, Amitabh Bachchan, and Alia Bhatt, and the critical praise it has garnered. But it also discusses the challenges the production faced, including that few directors were interested in the film early on.
Candid moments show the camaraderie and intensity behind the scenes of Chopra and his crew. In a memorable video, Vikrant Massey is described as so absorbed in his character, that he dirtied his own slipper to make it look grimy, in another Chopra is heard cheerleading the team to adopt Vikrant’s work ethic. The trailer also captures fans flocking to meet Vikrant during the Delhi shoot and concludes with an emotionally charged confrontation between Chopra and a team member.
Festival Debut
Zero Se Restart made its world premiere at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa where it received a standing ovation from a captivated audience. The warm response underscores the film’s ability to resonate, making it one of the year’s most anticipated releases.
About 12th Fail
12th Fail is based on Anurag Pathak’s book and tells the inspiring tale of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma. Starring Vikrant Massey, Medha Shankr, and Anant V Joshi, the film proved to be a critical and commercial success, having made ₹70 crores against a low-cost ₹ 20 crore budget.
Release Date
Slated for a December 13, 2024, theatrical release, Zero Se Restart is sure to be an inspiring and entertaining venture, further cementing Chopra as a master of craft. Fans are eagerly awaiting its arrival, especially after the trailer’s strong reception.
When is Zero Se Restart releasing?
Zero Se Restart will be released theatrically on December 13, 2024.
What is Zero Se Restart about?
The documentary provides a behind-the-scenes look at the making of 12th Fail, highlighting the challenges, triumphs, and the creative process involved in bringing the film to life.