The extended cut of DC’s Superhero movie has accidentally revealed during a kids’ film movie on HBO Max. Some viewers have logged in to HBO Max to watch the funny Tom & Jerry show on this platform this Monday,8th March and they got quite surprised.
They were accidentally met with the show of Zack Snyder’s four-hour cut of Justice League, a film which is not out March 18. Many people have noted online that they were able to watch the film, and THR also even confirmed the accessibility of the film, it depicts a problem that has been fixed. If you were the one who had watched the part of Zack Snyder’s Justice League then you are very lucky.
For the other people, you have to wait only for 10 more days before you can watch the film properly. At that time many trailers of character are being released with each member of the superhero team. All the superheroes like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Aquaman have also got a spotlight on their character, but Cyborg left to go.
All we have quite some ideas about Justice League. The six-chapter titles have revealed by Snyder within the lengthy movie when he has explained his decision of why he had decided to include Jared Leto’s, Joker in this project and also said about the number of versions of his cut that will exist.
Apart from those people the chosen few who have already seen it early, the rest of the people have to wait until the next Thursday, with Warner Bros. In between the final viral marketing push for the Snyder Cut. The latest promos are dropped daily with the recent series that shows different members of the Justice League every time. Though we have already seen some footage but also some many hours and hours are left to give us a glimpse at still to arrive.