India’s inaugural year-round sporting event, the Yuva Kabaddi Series, has partnered with CARS24, a prominent AutoTech company, as its main sponsor for the upcoming monsoon edition, set to take place from September 24 to October 22. This collaboration between the two entities will bring together sports enthusiasts from different regions to showcase their talents in the game of Kabaddi.
Yuva Kabaddi Series 2023 onboards CARS24 as title sponsor
The Yuva Kabaddi Series is an innovative project designed to highlight the exceptional abilities and expertise of young Kabaddi athletes from all over the country. By partnering with CARS24, not only does this initiative demonstrate their dedication to promoting and motivating India’s emerging sports talents, but it also reaffirms their commitment to nurturing a more positive and promising future for the nation’s youth.
The upcoming series will feature aspiring talents from over sixteen different states, offering them a valuable opportunity to exhibit their abilities and compete on a national scale. This endeavor perfectly aligns with CARS24’s vision of fostering positive transformation and empowering the younger generation in India.
“We are pleased to announce our partnership with CARS24, a company that has proven its global presence and strong market leadership, demonstrating their dedication to driving innovation and promoting adaptability. This collaboration signifies a significant milestone and the beginning of an exhilarating journey, as we anticipate rapid growth in the sport of Indian kabaddi, along with numerous exciting opportunities. The partnership with CARS24 will have a pivotal role in shaping the future of kabaddi in India,” commented Suhail Chandhok, Co-Founder of Yuva Kabaddi Series.
The Yuva Kabaddi Series program, which started in 2022, has created a fiercely competitive platform for emerging Kabaddi talents in India. It’s worth noting that 8 out of the 12 players who represented India in the Junior Kabaddi World Cup were nurtured through this program. The program has attracted more than 1100 young players who have played a total of 618 matches, guided by 60 coaches and supervised by 153 officials.
Gajendra Jangid, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of CARS24 expressed the strong connection between kabaddi and the core values of teamwork, determination, pushing boundaries, and striving for excellence. CARS24, as an influential player in the autotech industry, is committed to these values and aims to inspire the younger generation through their partnership with the Yuva Kabaddi Series. Their goal is to empower aspiring athletes to pursue their dreams with dedication and fearlessness, mirroring the ethos of CARS24. They eagerly look forward to an exhilarating season of matches, marked by collaboration, perseverance, and ultimately, triumph.
The upcoming CARS24 Yuva Kabaddi Series 2023, which marks its sixth edition, is scheduled to take place at the indoor stadium of Fatima College in Madurai.
The distinguished Minister of Information Technology and Digital Services in Tamil Nadu, Shri Palanivel Thiagarajan, will be leading the inauguration of the tournament on Sunday.