Yesterday, NVIDIA announced the launch of the new GeForce NOW RTX 3080 memberships to help you to stream up to 1440p at 120 FPS gaming on PC and Mac. This new membership is a result of NVIDIA pushing the envelope of cloud gaming and streaming while GPUs stocks still remain rare.
Those countries that are already able to play games with NVIDIA’s revolutionary cloud gaming platform that even supports RTX, will now be able to experience RTX 3080 like graphics performance on any game playing from anywhere.
So, the new GeForce NOW RTX 3080 membership that starts at $99.99 for 6 months is a feasible option for gamers who are still waiting to get a GPU at an affordable price point. NVIDIA promises a dedicated RTX 3080 rig with up to an 8-hour session length.
The GeForce NOW can now give up to 4K HDR at 60 FPS streaming on SHIELD TV with RTX 3080 rig and up to 120FPS at 1440p resolution. Now, Founders and Priority members in North America and Western Europe now have early access to this robust cloud gaming.
As NVIDIA says, the exclusive preorder window gives its earliest supporters the first opportunity to upgrade to next-generation gaming. Not only that, gamers can stream the wildly popular New World, one of the nine games joining the GeForce NOW library this week.