Xiaomi is all set to make a comeback in the tablet market with a bang soon. The company recently started teasing its upcoming tablet called the Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 on its channel on the Chinese social networking website Weibo. The Mi Pad 5 series will be officially introduced at an event in China on August 10th. Most recently, the brand confirmed that the Mi Pad 5 will be arriving with support for a stylus pen. Now, the company has released yet another teaser, which has revealed some more beans regarding the features of the Mi Pad 5 series.
Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Official Accessories
Xiaomi has officially confirmed some of the prominent features of the upcoming Mi Pad 5. The company has mentioned that the Mi Pad 5 will launch with a stylus. On top of that, the brand has also confirmed to offer 4G/5G connectivity along with WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity.
The Mi Pad 5 will be launched along with the Xiaomi Mi MIX 4, which is expected to come with an under-display selfie camera, offering a clean-looking screen with no notch or punch hole cutout. Though the Mi MIX 4 is not the first smartphone to offer this technology, it is likely to take this to the mainstream.
Xiaomi has now confirmed yet another feature of the new Mi Pad. According to the latest teaser image, the Mi Pad 5 will launch with a first-party keyboard. This is likely to get attached to the tablet using a proprietary connector. Hence, the keyboard might not require a battery, as it is likely to draw its power from the tablet.
By looking at the image of the keyboard, it is likely to be incorporated into the folio case. This means, the keyboard might not be included as a part of the retail package, and one might have to buy it separately. On top of that, the keyboard might not work with other tablets, as it is likely to be designed to work well with the Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 and the Mi Pad 5 Pro.
Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 specs(Leaked)
According to the reports, Xiaomi will be launching as many as three variants under the Mi Pad 5 series tablet. These are expected to be called the Mi Pad 5, Mi Pad 5 Lite, and Mi Pad 5 Pro. All three models are expected to feature 10.9-inch IPS LCD displays, which will be offering a screen refresh rate of 120Hz and a touch sampling rate of 240Hz. The Mi Pad 5 regular version and Mi Pad 5 Pro models are expected to utilise the Snapdragon 870 chipset. As for the Mi Pad 5 Lite, it is expected to have the Snapdragon 860 processor under the hood.
The Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 is expected to be one of the most expensive tablets from Xiaomi. However, it will be cheaper than the products like the iPad Air. Hence, the accessories are also expected to be priced aggressively, and the Mi Pad 5 official keyboard should cost anywhere between Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
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