Xiaomi unveiled its inaugural electric car, the Xiaomi SU7, at an event held in China. To commemorate the launch, the company introduced exclusive Limited Edition Aqua Blue and Verdant Green colors for its Xiaomi 14, 14 Pro, and Watch S3 devices, aligning with the hues of the new car. These additions join the existing color palette of Jade Green, Black, White, and Snow Mountain Pink. The devices feature a sleek design with a black high-gloss metal middle frame and a glass back panel matching the color scheme of the electric car. This article will delve into the details of these two fresh colors.
All About the New Color of Xiaomi 14 Series and Watch S3
The Xiaomi Watch S3, available in Black, Silver, and Brown Leather, now welcomes the new Limited Edition Aqua Blue and Verdant Green color variants. Notably, the casing around the display proudly showcases the “Limited Edition” text, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the watch.
Surprisingly, the pricing for the Xiaomi 14 and 14 Pro in these limited edition colors remains consistent with the original versions. The Xiaomi 14 starts at CNY 4,999 ($707), while the Xiaomi 14 Pro in the exclusive colors begins at CNY 5,999 ($849). As for the Xiaomi Watch S3, it is priced at CNY 100 higher than the original eSIM version, totaling CNY 1,099 ($155).
Despite the introduction of new colors, the specifications of these devices remain unchanged. Regrettably, these limited edition variants are confined to the Chinese market, mirroring the exclusivity of the Xiaomi SU7 electric car. The term “Limited Edition” suggests that these units will have a restricted quantity available, likely limited to the Chinese market. Consequently, the prospects of a global release seem unlikely. Nevertheless, Xiaomi’s strategic alignment of its products with the electric vehicle underscores its endeavor to garner attention for the advanced and upscale Xiaomi SU7.