It is only 13 days left to start the IPL 2020 and CSK is facing blows after blows, first Suresh Raina and now Harbhajan Singh. This is a big controversy right now under the camp of IPL 2020. The reasons are still not clear why Mr. IPL has taken that kind of tough decision to withdraw his name from this year’s IPL. Though Raina has dropped some hints during his interviews to media platforms.
“I’ve been training even while quarantining here. You never know you might see me in the CSK camp there again,”.
When he left the team, a piece of news popped up that there was a fatal attack on Raina’s family members by several goons in Pathankot. But later, we can tell that that incident was not only the personal reason he showed up.
Though officials are still believing that Raina will make a comeback. “I won’t be surprised if they don’t pick a replacement for Suresh.”
“I have a feeling that Suresh Raina will be back playing the IPL. He might miss out on the first few games because of the quarantine rules and all but I have a feeling that Suresh will be back,” Dasgupta told ESPNCricinfo.
But things are getting now more and more complexed. Now if Raina manages to change his decision and wants to join his team, then he will have to follow some serious guidelines. 6 days of strict quarantine after landing in UAE as well as he has to be negative in three COVID-19 tests. After those speculations, he will be allowed to join his team. But it is not the end of the story. Suresh Raina has made a hasty decision to retreat his name from IPL without any valid reason. BCCI can take drastic steps against him if he is not clear enough about his reasons to leave the IPL.
“What the BCCI will have to do is evaluate what exactly were the reasons. If it’s about his family, it’s his personal reason. If it was a rift with MS (Dhoni), then it’s CSK’s internal issue. If he came back because of depression, then it’s a mental issue. We can’t let him go if he’s depressed. Who’ll be responsible if something goes wrong?” a BCCI official told TOI.
When the media tried to postmortem the reasons behind this issue, Raina came up with several statements like CSK bubble is not safe and so on. “When the bio-bubble is not safe how does one take a chance? I have a family with two little kids and elderly parents,” he was quoted as saying on Wednesday.
Raina to Cricbuzz: “It was a personal reason and I had to come back for my family”. This time he was mainly referring to that violent incident in Pathankot that took a huge toll on his family.
From the first day in UAE, there were a lot of issues going on with CSK. At first, 13 staff members of CSK were tested COVID-19 Positive. That thing obviously made a huge impact on the minds of the players. Raina kept questioning about the bio-security of that hotel in which CSK is currently living in UAE. But later that, Raina has apologized to N.Srinivasan for his immature behaviour, according to sources.
“Once he left, he has been removed from CSK’s WhatsApp group. He has reached out to team-management including CEO, MS Dhoni, and Coach Fleming, and is looking for a chance to return”, an official said, according to some sources.
N.Srinivasan has refused to interfere in this issue. “Look, please understand, that’s not my domain at all,” he was quoted as saying by a news agency.
“We own a team, we own the franchise but we do not own players. I don’t own the players.”
“I am not the cricket captain… We have the greatest captain of all time. So, why shall I even interfere in cricketing matters?”
Among all those negative issues, there is only one good thing is that CSK hasn’t sought a replacement for Raina yet. So, if Raina wants, he can surely join his team after all those precautionary measures. But till now, there is no news about the return as well as the replacement of Raina. Now everything is in the hands of MS Dhoni. Only if he wants, Raina would be allowed to re-enter CSK camp.
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