Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new PIN-based username feature for better security and privacy of users. The feature will reportedly let users connect on WhatsApp without needing to share their phone number, offering a more private way of interacting in the messaging app.
WhatsApp to Introduce PIN Feature
This was found in the latest WhatsApp beta for Android, available on Google Play Store according to the WABetaInfo website tracking WhatsApp developments. By setting up usernames, users can exercise more control over their exposure on the platform when messaging with people with whom they have not already been in touch. But for the people who already have your phone number, they will nonetheless see it — but still be able to use your name with new interactions.
Alongside, WhatsApp is developing an optional feature to set a PIN code as well that will give another level of privacy for users. If you have never had contact with someone before — this PIN (minimum of four digits long) will act as your safety net. The PIN can be any 4 to 8-digit number that you wouldn’t mind telling someone on the phone but don’t make it your secret special two-step verification code or anything.
PIN: When other users wish to send you a private message for the very first time, they will have to input your PIN (it will deter most spam). Once the PIN is established, you will share it with those who want to become connected. However, those in existing conversations won’t need to use the PIN, making it easier to maintain ongoing communications.
According to WABetaInfo, users will have a choice to enable this feature — which should allow them more control over who can reach out via direct messages based only on their username. The new username features, which also includes support for PINs are currently in beta testing but will be available to everyone as an update at some point.
What is the new username feature on WhatsApp?
The username feature allows users to connect on WhatsApp without sharing their phone numbers.
How does the optional PIN work?
The optional PIN adds privacy by requiring others to enter it before contacting you via your username.