WhatsApp would be providing users with three additional privacy enhancements in the near future, announced by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta. These include the ability to hide your ‘Online’ status indicator, exit WhatsApp groups silently without notifying users and also block screenshots for certain messages.
New layers of WhatsApp New privacy features have been added to Whats App in order to provide users with more options for keeping their messages private. For saving your chat history, there is now end-to-end encryption backup and disappearing messages that delete themselves after reading. Let’s take a look at the new Privacy options introduced on Whatsapp, changes, and everything we know so far.
WhatsApp New Privacy Features
WhatsApp will soon also let all users exit any groups they are a part of silently, without notifying other users of their exit. Only group admin will be notified. Rest of the members in the group will not receive any kind of alert.
WhatsApp had introduced ‘View Once’ previously which is already an incredibly popular way on the platform to share photos or media that don’t need to have a permanent digital record. As per the recent announcement, WhatsApp will now enable screenshot blocking for ‘View Once’ messages for an added layer of protection.
WhatsApp now lets users choose who they want to share their ‘Online’ status indicator with. The Online status is convenient when users want friends and family members to know they’re active on the app, but can also be a nuisance when you want to use WhatsApp privately. WhatsApp has revealed that the feature will come ‘soon’ to users, but hasn’t revealed any date or timeline.
“New privacy features coming to WhatsApp: exit group chats without notifying everyone, control who can see when you’re online, and prevent screenshots on view once messages. We’ll keep building new ways to protect your messages and keep them as private and secure as face-to-face conversations,” said Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO, Meta.