The trailer of Stephen Spielberg’s upcoming film “West Side Story” has been dropped by Disney and 20th Century Studios. The project mainly revolves around the legendary Leonard Bernstein, and Stephen Sondheim musical with that exact name, featuring the “Baby Driver” actor Ansel Elgort and the newcomer Rachel Zegler the star crossed lovers Tony and Maria, mainly.
It has been found that the anticipation of the movie is very high, like the 1961 movie adaptation based on the musical that had been a cultural juggernaut also with the 10 Oscar winners, contain with Best Picture. Spielberg’s film was written by the frequent collaborator Tony Kushner, who has also been nominated for the Oscar to pen out the director’s “Muni9ch” and “Lincoln”.
Now come to the film’s story; it mainly revolves around the classic tale of terrible rivalries and the young love in 1957 New York City.
They have said that this late Stephen Sondheim tells new ‘West Side Story is definitely ‘Terrific’, and Spielberg and Kushner had just nailed it. Spielberg also depicts that this story is not only the product of its recent time, but that time also has come back, and this time it has come with the social fury.
He also said that he wanted to tell that Puerto Rican Nuyorican has experienced mainly the migration of the country and the struggle for a living, having children, and the battle against the significant obstacles of xenophobia and racial prejudice.
In this film, we will see Moreno playing Valentina’s role; she has performed as the widow of Doc that has taken over the business of her late husband. In this, Moreno currently tells for convincing Spielberg to appear in the film.
This film features Ansel Elgort as Tony, Rachel Alvarez as Maria, Ariana DeBose as Anita, David Alvarez as Bernardo, Mike Faist as the Riff, Josh Andres Rivera as Chino, Ana Isabelle as Rosalia, Corey Stoll as Lieutenant Schrank, and Rita Moreno as Valentina. Moreno has belonged to one of those artists who has got Academy, Emmy, GRAMMY, Tony, and Peabody Awards. He also performs his role as an executive producer.
Release Date
It is reported that Walt Disney Company has set to release Spielberg’s film in U.S. theatres on 10th December 2021.
Here is the trailer: