Kuwaiti Dinar is the highest-valued currency in the world. The currency has been estimated at $3.22 per Dinar.
Kuwaiti Dinar is the highest-valued currency in the world. The currency has been estimated at $3.22 per Dinar.
Bahraini Dinar 1 BHD = 2.66 USD
Bahraini Dinar 1 BHD = 2.66 USD
Bahraini Dinar is the world's second most valuable currency. There is a conversion rate of $2.66 per one Dinar.
Bahraini Dinar is the world's second most valuable currency. There is a conversion rate of $2.66 per one Dinar.
Omani Rial 1 OMR = 2.60 USD
Omani Rial 1 OMR = 2.60 USD
The Omani Rial ends in the top three most expensive currencies in the world with a conversion rate of 2.60 USD to one Rial nearly double the value of the British Pound.
The Omani Rial ends in the top three most expensive currencies in the world with a conversion rate of 2.60 USD to one Rial nearly double the value of the British Pound.
Jordanian Dinar 1 JOD = 1.41 USD
Jordanian Dinar 1 JOD = 1.41 USD
The Jordanian Dinar was first pegged to the US Dollar at a higher value. The country is not economically developed, and it lacks essential resources, such as oil.
The Jordanian Dinar was first pegged to the US Dollar at a higher value. The country is not economically developed, and it lacks essential resources, such as oil.
Cayman Islands Dollar1 KYD = 1.22 USD
Cayman Islands Dollar1 KYD = 1.22 USD
The Cayman Islands Dollar is the only Caribbean currency on the list of the highest ones. The country provides licenses for hundreds of banks, hedge funds, and insurance companies.
The Cayman Islands Dollar is the only Caribbean currency on the list of the highest ones. The country provides licenses for hundreds of banks, hedge funds, and insurance companies.
British Pound Sterling 1 GBP = 1.12 USD
British Pound Sterling 1 GBP = 1.12 USD
British Pound holds the highest monetary value among other currencies. The GBP/USD pair, commonly known as “the cable,” is the third most traded in the forex market.
British Pound holds the highest monetary value among other currencies. The GBP/USD pair, commonly known as “the cable,” is the third most traded in the forex market.
European Euro1 EUR = 0.98 USD
European Euro1 EUR = 0.98 USD
The Euro recently extended over the years which has allowed it to hold a strong place in this list of the most powerful world currencies.
The Euro recently extended over the years which has allowed it to hold a strong place in this list of the most powerful world currencies.
Swiss Franc1 CHF = 1.00 USD
Swiss Franc1 CHF = 1.00 USD
The Swiss Franc is one of the strongest and most stable currencies in the world. It’s quite natural as Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world.
The Swiss Franc is one of the strongest and most stable currencies in the world. It’s quite natural as Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world.
US Dollar1 USD = 1.02 EUR
US Dollar1 USD = 1.02 EUR
The US Dollar got the US economic leadership. It has such high demand and also gets involved in more than 85% of daily forex trades.
The US Dollar got the US economic leadership. It has such high demand and also gets involved in more than 85% of daily forex trades.
Canadian Dollar1 CAD = 0.73 USD
Canadian Dollar1 CAD = 0.73 USD
The Canadian dollar ends at the top ten of this list. Canada has the second largest uranium supply in the world along with crude oil of 13.21%.
The Canadian dollar ends at the top ten of this list. Canada has the second largest uranium supply in the world along with crude oil of 13.21%.