Watcho Exclusives, the leading OTT platform from Dish TV India Limited, has unveiled its first original series of 2024 – ‘State v/s Ahuja’. The enthralling thriller series marks the return of Actor Ashmit Patel after a brief hiatus. Directed by Tarun Chopra, The series narrates the captivating tale of Bollywood superstar ‘Ansh Ahuja’ facing rape accusations from his maid. The series is exclusively available on the Watcho App from February 9, 2024, onwards.
Watcho Exclusives Premieres Thrilling New Series ‘State v/s Ahuja’ marking Ashmit Patel’s on-screen comeback
The story follows Ansh Ahuja (Ashmit Patel), a Bollywood superstar embroiled in controversy after being accused of rape by his maid. As the plot thickens, viewers are drawn into a riveting world of suspense, investigation, and courtroom drama, where unexpected revelations keep them hooked. With evidence pointing in different directions, the audience is left to question Ansh’s innocence amidst a web of deceit and conspiracy. The series poses the compelling question: Did Ansh truly commit the crime, or is there a sinister conspiracy at play? With each episode, the suspense deepens, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats until the final revelation.
Over the years, the OTT platform has delighted viewers with a diverse range of exclusive series spanning various genres such as ‘Oh My Wife!’, ‘Luck Shots’, ‘Aarambh’, ‘GillHarry’, ‘Explosive’, ‘The Morning Show’, ‘Manghadant’, ‘Avaidh’, and ‘Jaunpur’, among others. The OTT App is now gearing up to celebrate its fifth anniversary in 2024 and promises to captivate audiences with a new lineup of original series.
Mr. Sukhpreet Singh, Corporate Head of Marketing at Dish TV India Ltd, said, “We are excited to introduce our latest Watcho Exclusive series, ‘State v/s Ahuja’. This marks our first major release of 2024, setting the stage for an exhilarating year ahead. The series will captivate viewers with its compelling narrative, intriguing characters, and unexpected twists. At Watcho, we are committed to bringing you engaging content that resonates with viewers from all walks of life. As we continue to evolve and grow, we are dedicated to delivering quality entertainment that not only engages viewers but also leaves a lasting impact.”
Actor Ashmit Patel, who plays the titular role of Ansh, said, “I’m thrilled not only to return to the screen after a brief break (during which time I’ve been working on my music production and doing my DJ gigs) with such an intriguing concept. ‘State v/s Ahuja’, a Watcho Exclusives series, delves into complex themes and keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
The character of Ansh offers a depth and complexity that immediately intrigued me. As an actor, I’m always drawn to roles that push boundaries and provoke thought. The series offered me exactly that opportunity. It allowed me to challenge myself in new ways. When I read the script and the character details, it felt like the perfect project to break my self-imposed hiatus, and without a second thought, I went for it. Now that the series is streaming on Watcho, I can’t wait for viewers to experience this suspenseful story with me.”
‘State v/s Ahuja’, produced by Suresh Thomas under the banners of Crescendo Films and Amicable Crew, features an ensemble cast including Jaswinder Gardner, Anurekha Bhagat, Sarika Singh, Swapnil Ralkar, Apeksha Verma, Drishti Patil, Manish Jaitley, Arjun Krishna, Vicky Baidyanath, and Harsh Gautam.
Immerse yourself in the gripping story of ‘State v/s Ahuja’, exclusively on Watcho, to unravel the truth behind the allegations and the unexpected twists that emerge.
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