Vivo India has already disclosed the launch date of the upcoming mid-range Vivo V20 Pro 5G smartphone. The final date of the launch is set on 2nd December, as we had already predicted the launch date of the phone in our last article. We also know that the phone was launched in Thailand in September so we are pretty much sure of the specifications of the phone if the company does not decide to alter anything for the Indian market. The company promotes it as the slimmest 5G smartphone in the market.
Display and Colour
The Vivo V20 Pro has a 6.44″ Full HD+ AMOLED display. The display of this phone also features a refresh rate of 60Hz. This phone has a tub-shaped notch on the display to hold the dual selfie camera. The company offers three colour variants for this phone – Sunset Melody (gradient), Midnight Jazz (black), Moonlight Sonata (white) – all with scratch-resistant matte glass.
Regarding the camera part, the phone packs with a triple rear camera, which includes a 64MP main shooter, with an f/1.89 lens alongside an 8MP ultrawide angle (120 degrees) camera with an f/2.2 lens and 2MP of a mono sensor with an f/2.4 lens. The rear camera lenses are aligned in a rectangular shape module with an LED flash on the backside of the phone. The rear module has facilities like tripod night mode, macro mode, super night mode, 3D soundtracking, double exposure, and portrait video.
Front cameras
The most attractive feature of this phone is the selfie module. The phone has a dual selfie camera which includes a 44MP f/2.0 main selfie camera with auto eye focus which focuses on your eyes even if you are not looking at the camera, and a low light mode that can take bright selfies at night. In addition to this, there will be another 8 megapixels f/2.28 superwide-angle lens with a 105-degree field-of-view for group selfies. The dual selfie camera has facilities like 4K video recording, dual view video, and slow-motion selfies.
Processor and Storage
This phone is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 765G Chipset and runs on FunTouch OS based on Android 10. The SoC of this phone is equipped with 8GB RAM and 128GB of inbuilt storage.
Battery, Charging and Others
Regarding the other specifications, the Vivo V20 Pro is backed by a decent battery of 4000 mAh, which is supported by 33W fast charging through a USB Type-C port. The phone has a dual-SIM facility that will be supported by a 5G network.
Expected Pricing
The Vivo V20 Pro is priced at THB 14,999(Roughly Rs.35,118) and is available for purchase on in Thailand. This phone might be priced within INR 30,000 in India, though the company has not finally revealed the pricing of the phone we are guessing the price from the previous launch in Thailand.