The Vivo T3 5G is all set to launch in India week as confirmed by the phone maker on Friday, March 15. It will be sold on Flipkart with the online store hinting at its arrival on its website. Powered by a MediaTek Dimensity chip the Vivo T3 5G promises performance. Boasts a dual stereo speaker system for an enhanced audio experience. Positioned as the successor to years Vivo T2 consumers are eagerly anticipating the release.
The Rumored Vivo T3 5G
The official unveiling event for the Vivo T3 5G is set for March 21 at noon IST according to Vivo. Flipkart has also introduced a webpage for the device offering details on its design and specs. Although Vivo hasn’t specified the MediaTek Dimensity processor model there are rumors that it may run on the Dimensity 7200 SoC.
Featuring a blue color scheme the Vivo T3 5G flaunts a triple rear camera setup with an LED flash. The camera setup is expected to include a Sony sensor with optical image stabilization technology. The upcoming device is expected to cost ₹20,000 and is set to come in crystal flake and cosmic blue options. As per reports, the Vivo T3 5G is rumored to feature a 6.67 inch HD+ AMOLED display with a high refresh rate of 120Hz and a peak brightness of up to 1,800 nits.
It is expected to be offered in 8GB RAM variants with storage options of 128GB and 256GB potentially supporting virtual RAM. The device is rumored to feature a triple rear camera setup including a 50-megapixel Sony IMX882 lens, a 2-megapixel bokeh lens, and a flicker sensor. For selfies, it may feature a 16-megapixel front camera. With a robust 5,000mAh battery, the Vivo T3 5G is speculated to support 44W wired fast charging and may also come with an IP54-rated water and dust resistance build.