The first teaser of Hrithik Roshan, and Said Ali Khan’s film, ‘Vikram Vedha’ has been released. The two Bollywood heroes will be seen playing the game of cat and mouse chasing with the flamboyant gangster known as Vedha featured by Hrithik Roshan.
Now, both have remakes and there is the original has been directed through the duo Pushkar-Gayathri. This film is basically following the story of the Tamil language film of R. Madhavan, and Vijay Sethupathi featuring Vikram Vedha.
The nearly two-minute powerpack action trailer reveals the characters that are sitting along each other just like the iconic scene that belongs to Michael Mann’s Heat. In style Vedha asked Vikram, “Shall I tell you a story, sir?” he also added, “Listen carefully and patiently. This time it won’t be fun, there’s also a surprise.”
The remaining teaser is mainly just a collection of slow-motion “hero-shots” along with the two of the stars as combined with shortcuts, punch-ups, and the quickest shot of Vikram who is just flipping the table on Vedha. We can able to see such glimpses of those major battle sequences that are scaring those excess welding with large weapons, as we also can build across the rainy showdown with the two of the central characters.
Vedha just tells to Vikram, “It’s evil, sir”, and he continues, “But in this story, both are evil”. The interesting thing to observe is Roshan has put such an accent for the role that has suggested that his character has been belonging to the North Indian states following a type of creative, and cultural leap that follows the Mumbai-bred actor as it can be the best to be elaborated as Ryan Gosling from Texas.
Vikram Vedha: Cast
Hrithik Roshan and Said Ali Khan both have plated such heartthrob performances. The movie has been produced by Bhushan Kumar and S. Sashikanth.
Vikram Vedha: Release Date
Hrithik Roshan and Said Ali Khan’s most awaited action film will hit on 30th September 2022.
Here is the teaser: