Qualcomm will soon bring the next big chipset for Android devices and it’s the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, while we do have some reports on its specs, here we get its first benchmark to give us some idea about its real-world performance. Samsung Galaxy S24 will obviously use this upcoming Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset especially optimized for Galaxy devices, so, Twitter user Revegnus has some insights on this.
Test results for Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 for Galaxy results to some impressive numbers
The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 for Galaxy, as mentioned in a tweet by Revegnus, achieves a remarkable score of 7,400 in the multi-core test on Geekbench 6. While these numbers may not hold much significance for the general audience, it is worth noting that these results are highly impressive, especially given that the Snapdragon chipset in question is likely still in its early prototype stage.
The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, featured in the Galaxy S24 series, demonstrates impressive performance improvements compared to its predecessor. It achieves a Geekbench 6 score of 4,975 points, showcasing a significant 49% boost in performance. This advancement makes the Galaxy S24 devices a compelling choice for individuals who have yet to upgrade their smartphones.
However, these results could only get improved even further as more leaks come out and we have results of a production unit, still, the performance difference is significant undoubtedly.
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