Officially Twitter’s control comes to Elon Musk and some changes also come down with each passing moment. On Sunday the news broke that Musk with his new leadership at the social network is thinking about starting to charge verified users along with a monthly rate for having the access to the iconic blue tick mark. The earliest reports suggested verified accounts getting lumped into Twitter’s monthly subscription service Twitter Blue. The Verge confirms that the reporting those who also have the check mat require to pay upwards of $20 per month to keep it.
The shocking reports confirm Twitter Blue costs will be increased to $19.99 per month. The verified check mark will become folded into the subscription. Musk also has more to discuss on the exact pricing, though he has since confirmed about the verification process is being,” revamped.” The people who opt to not subscribe to Twitter Blue only have 90 days from the latest service launched until they are going to lose the check mark.
Mask said, “The whole verification process is being revamped right now”
In the most divisive times in the American political sphere, Twitter previously halted new verified accounts to help combat the spread of misinformation. Within the past two years, however, microblogging services return to the process that was meant to inform users which tweeters are legitimate accounts like politicians, journalists, and entertainment accounts.
Apart from firing the company’s C-suite, charging also verified users to remain that way would conclude Musk’s biggest Twitter change yet. When the deal was first announced, Musk first told financiers that the company would charge users to quote tweet-verified accounts the same goes for the publishers, Musk said, who just opted to embed tweets on their websites.
As the deal got closed, the trading of Twitter stock cased as the serial entrepreneur working to take things private said and done, Musk paid $44 billion for the service.
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