Netflix has dropped the official trailer of the upcoming limited series. It will feature Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes. The story of the series will be centered on the comedian named kid like he has stopped the performances in his hometown of Philadelphia and has been attempted to reconnect with his older brother, Carlton. In this upon the very first night that has been back in town, and things become awry for the kid and threaten to tear down the life that he has been built like he is tested both morally and emotionally over the seven-episode series.
The trailer provides such a close look and also from the very beginning, that they can watch that the relationship between the brothers is strained at best. They have been greeting each other and also even toast one another, the look in Kid’s eyes says that all. It has seen that more drinks have been poured and then it cut to what has been appeared to become the next morning like Carlton tells Kid that they have the situation while they don’t watch the situation specifically, and things take to the downward turn from there, and soon enough, detectives are knocking on the door for speaking with the kid.
After this, there are visible anxious a d stressed kid telling his brother that everything that he worked hard for is over. As Carlton tries to tell a kid that he has been got this. The kid asks the reason that every time he told him that he got it. He feels like he got in more trouble. The rest of the trailer reveals the high action sequences of the brothers on the run from not only the police but also from the possibly the mob.
It will feature Tawny Newsome, Will Catlett, Paul Adelstein, Ash Santos, Lauren London, John Ales, and Billy Zane. It is a true story executive produced by Narcos and Narcos: Mexico shows runner Eric Newman that is under his overall television deal with Netflix. In this Caroline Currier from the Grand Electric and Mike Stein and Tiffany Brown from the main heartbeat of the productions that all have been served as co-producers. In this, Stephen Williams will direct and executive produce the first three episodes? In this Hanelle Culpepper will direct all the final four episodes.
Release date
This film will release on 24th November 2021.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.