Netflix just has released the first trailer for Transformers: War for Cybertron: Kingdom, as it is the third and the final chapter in the war for the trilogy of Cybertron that has been hailed from the streamer, Hasbro, and Rooster Teeth. The brand new original series has offered a strikingly different animation style that reveals the Transformers like never it had and took us to the long-beloved franchise.
This popular robot series was kicked off last July, starting in the waning hours of the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons. Here is the event that has been torn apart from the home planet of Cybertron that are reaching soon to their breaking point, and Optimus Prime and also Megatron both want to rescue their world and also their people but only on their own terms.
It has been seen that Megatron has taken desperate measures to rescue the Decepticons by utilizing the Allspark that can reformat the Autobots. The Autobots will team up with the maximum force just to confront all the Decepticons, and the bots who have joined the army have been forced by the Predacons.
The story has been continued with the last Transformers series that was released on Netflix in the following December and is following the battle of Autobots to save the Cybertron both of their planet and also aboard Ark. In this; we will see the conflict as the heroes and the villains of the classic ‘Beast wars: Transformers’ series is going to make their debut.
The original series has been produced by Rooster Teeth and polygon Pictures, serving as the animation studio Transformers veteran F.J. DeSanto that has served as the showrunner on the series with some brilliant writers include George Krstic Gavin Hignight and Brandon Easton.
Release Date
The third and final chapter of the series in the war for the Cybertron trilogy has premiered on Netflix on 29th July 2021.
Here is the trailer: