As we all know that Apex Legends is set on the Titanfall universe, but still haven’t seen any Titans in the game yet. When the game came out, Respawn had explained that it basically “had Titans in tons of different forms” in the game’s early iteration, but they didn’t come out as a good fit and that’s why they were excluded.
Biast12, the data miner who helped drop the dime in the past on the season 7 legend Horizon, has shared gameplay footage of the new character Blisk on Twitter, whose “Standby for Titanfall” ultimate enables him to call down an Auto-Titan to cause the damage.
Seeing the below image, I think you already have understood that Blisk can also wall run, courtesy of his passive ability – Pilot Kit.
Coming to the character, Kuben Blisk is a renowned villain in the Titanfall games: A South African mercenary who has served the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation at the head of the Apex Predators. For now, take all this as a pinch of salt. It’s only one week left before April 1st.
Every season a new character appears, but the addition of the monstrous fighting robots at the core of the Titanfall series might turn into a much bigger deal, and it’s something that fans really want to see. In Apex Legends, Titans could be added only in some kind of compromised form, and turning them into the AOE bombardment machines looks like a good approach.
If the leak turns true, then Blisk and his Auto-Titan buddy are definitely coming in Apex Legends season 9, though we have no release date yet.