The most desired Thunder God film, ‘Thor: Love and Thunder have been launched. From the first installment of the original Avengers, the trilogy has now reached the fourth installment. In this phase, the Thunder God has lost all of his phase 1 superheroes, but still standing strong. The main question is what has happened in Thor 4, and what it indicates as Strongest Avenger?
Thunder and Love
In this film, Christian Bale just gets more attraction from the fans. Gorr aka Christian bale powered by the god-killing Necrosword has made it his mission to cut off a bloody swath along the universe by murdering and or all of the gods continuously.
The interesting fact is his ultimate mission is not methodic diety genocide, instead, he has taken attempts to get a way to Eternity which is a secret mystical place at the center of the universe where any wish of a person can be granted. The wish of Gorr is to finish all the Gods just like his own Infinity Gauntlet snap. The Eternity does not sound simpler, it just sounds like the book of Vashanti from Doctor Strange 2.
While Gorr becomes desperate to succeed in his plan he has kidnapped Asgardian children to lure Thor who possessed Stormbreaker to open the face to Eternity and grant access to Gorr. Something really confusing is how a recently created Stormbreaker becomes a key component of an ancient interdimensional puzzle box with Thor’s weapons with a semi-sentiment character.
On following a huge showdown, while both Asgardian children and Jane playing the role of Thor, Gorr just able to unlock the fate to Eternity, but Thor becomes unable to reach him, breaking his plans, Thor convinces him to wish for the resurrection of his daughter having the understanding as Necrosword may be actively killing Gorr and he became unable to see her survive.
The wish of Girr has been granted revealed by killing him instead of his daughter’s life. She is beyond any of the normal children in that she can be empowered by Eternity and able to wield the Stormbreaker. Now the two set out for an adventure, traveling to the universe to save those in need with Thor acting as an uncle.
What about Eternity?
This is the first time that Eternity going to explore actively, there are a lot of things left unclear. If you have read the comics then you may see an “abstract concept” with the sentient personification with time and also about the origin of consciousness in this world. We are assuming she may continue as Thor’s niece as her powers will continue to grow, and she will eventually come as a major player in some way.
Jane, Valkyrie, and Others
The film not only focused on Thor, and the newly created Love, but there is also crowned newly powered Mighty Thor, Jane Foster. Jane Foster is following a diagnosis that was boosted by Mjolnir to come to a superhero, For the comics also Mjolnir provides Jane with superpowers and health Apart from the comics, it does not act as a temporary cure for her cancer. She is dying until she felt superpowered and healthy.
Obviously, this tends to be final combat with Gorr while Jane uses Mjolnir to destroy the Necrosword of Gorr. In the second post-credits scene along with Heimdall for greeting her brand and welcome her. Valkyrie will come back to New Asgards, she will continue to work. Sif also coming to town following bring injury that just cost her arm.
Post-Credits scene
We have seen last time, that the second post-credits scene was definitely a stringer to assure the fans, and despite her death, Jane Foster was returned to Valhalla It contains some cameo from Heimdall’s death into the Infinity War. In nature that is not the only scene that we are waiting for.
In between them, there is a mid-credits scene that relays the Greek pantheon along with Zeus speaking with someone, and also recuperating from the wounds. He still has some obvious grudge against Thor now. After Thor’s humiliation, and the wound, he makes a plan to do something about it.
A big thanks for the source.