This year, 5G has been a popular topic of conversation, with telecom behemoths Jio and Airtel declaring plans for 5G in India, pending the March 2021 spectrum auction and regulatory approvals. However, the spectrum set to be released on March 1 does not cover the frequency band required for 5G services.
There will be a delay in the rollout of 5G technology, according to a recent parliamentary panel chaired by Lok Sabha MP Shashi Tharoor. According to a study presented to Parliament by a commission, the government anticipates 5G services to be available in early 2022 following a six-month wait for another spectrum auction.
Now the Department of Telecommunications(DoT)has officially confirmed that 5G will roll out in India in 2022. The DoT has listed almost 13 cities in India keeping most of the metro cities in check, where it will initiate the 5G services in the first batch. DoT has not officially confirmed the exact date of the implementation but it will surely begin from 2022.
Here is the list of all 13 cities in India where 5G services will be initiated first.
- Ahmedabad
- Bengaluru
- Kolkata
- Chandigarh
- Chennai
- Delhi
- Gandhinagar
- Gurugram
- Hyderabad
- Jamnagar
- Lucknow
- Mumbai
- Pune
According to previous conversations, the 5G network will not require a separate SIM card, and sources claim that the transition to 5G will be unlike previous cellular generation transfers.
“5G wireless technology is supposed to give faster multi-gigabit per second peak data rates, ultra-low latency, increased dependability, huge network capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform user experience to more people,” Qualcomm said.