Netflix has dropped the trailer of the web series The Whistleblower. It is mainly a crime drama web series. It was dropped on Sonyliv. It had been directed by Manoj Pillai. It is featuring Ritwik Bhowmik, Ankita Sharma, Ashish Verma, Ravi Kishan, and also other actors. The main basic information is related to “ The Whistleblower” as the director, producer, writer, star cast, production company IMDb Ratings, there are such name of the platform where it has been distributed.
The Whistleblower: Story Details
The story of this series is based on the Education Scams. Now Education is one of the top businesses in India, and the PMT scam is also one of those serial scams that also given such wings to scammers who use such proxy and contacts for the paper leaks and also been planned cheating. The scam has been shooked the nation and the result was more than 1700 arrests and multiple deaths.
The Whistleblower: Release date
It has been confirmed that the release date of the web series is 16th December 2021. It will be released on SonyLiv App and the website also. You just need a subscription with SonyLiv for watching the web series.
The Whistleblower: Trailer Details
The trailer also shows the corruption and fraudulent system in the medical college. The actor Ritwik will play to be sitting on a chair when Sonali Kulkarni’s character is mainly asking him for talking about his wrongdoing. It is also based on writing exams and also creating a scam that is based on politicians, entrepreneurs, and also others. It is also against the backdrop of the year 2013 and also about the scams that are based on the medical college.
It is true that Vyapam Scam had been the horrific scam that had been rigged the medical entrance exams and medical college admissions in North and Central India. In this scam, a lot of money has been invested. There had been 50 unexplained deaths that happened in real life witnesses and whistleblowers.
Here is the trailer:
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