According to a few reports, a new-generation Apple TV is in the making and we might see it launched very soon. This TV is reported to have an improved chipset and storage for better streaming for the users. We have always seen rumors of the new Apple TV but now 9to5Mac has found references to 120 Hz support in the tvOS 14.5 beta code.
This suggests that the upcoming Apple TV might sport a high refresh rate of 120 Hz. Terms like “120 Hz” and “supports 120 Hz” have been added to tvOS’s PineBoard in the latest build. This is a huge jump from the Apple TV which is sold in the market currently. It has only up to 4K video at 60 Hz support.
Due to hardware limitations, the current Apple TV cannot stream 120 Hz content. This is because of the HDMI 2.0 port which is not technically sounded to run a high refresh rate of 120 Hz. Now, we might see an HDMI 2.1 port that supports refresh rates on content up to 120 Hz. Not only this but it also an upgraded bandwidth up to 48 Gbps. Apart from this, it has a resolution of up to 10K, Dynamic HDR, eARC (enhanced Audio Return Channel), Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), and a few other features.
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To better the streaming experience, a strong GPU and higher RAM capacity is provided to the TV. This helps the content of a high refresh rate to run smoothly. If these reports are believed to be true, we are set to see major improvements in features of Apple TV and this will delight all the Apple users. Although, these are still just some leaks and we should wait for more information and then reach a conclusion.