The Sims 4 Cheat Codes List: Your Ultimate 2025 Guide to Unlimited Fun

Sims 4 Cheat Codes List is here!

Welcome, Simmers! If you’ve ever wanted to bend reality, boost your Sim’s bank account, or bring back the dead in The Sims 4, you’re in the right place. Our comprehensive Sims 4 Cheat Codes List reveals hundreds of cheat codes and hidden commands that’ll let you renovate dream homes, turbocharge skill levels, manage your entire neighborhood’s fate, and more—all with just a few keystrokes. In this guide, we’ll explore how to enable cheats, master them on various platforms (PC, PlayStation, Xbox), and make sure you can tweak your world however you see fit.

Settle in with your favorite snack (or cheat code for infinite snacks), because we’re about to explore every corner of this sandbox with all the best cheats The Sims 4 has to offer.

Why Use Sims 4 Cheat Codes?

Cheats in The Sims 4 are more than just “easy money”—they’re creative tools to rewrite your Sim’s destiny. Maybe you want to push them from a zero-skill newcomer to a professional chef or artist in a single afternoon. Or, perhaps you aim for a romantic drama at breakneck speed? Cheats let you sculpt your story, whether that means elevating your Sim to unstoppable stardom, building an unbeatable mansion from day one, or simply catering to your meddlesome side by messing with the neighbors.

Using cheats can also help you shortcut slogging tasks—like refilling your Sim’s hunger bar so you can skip dinner and keep building. If you’ve ever grown impatient with everyday chores while longing for more interesting plot points (like alien abductions or vampire vs. werewolf showdowns), cheat codes are your best friend.

Sims 4

Enabling Cheats: PC, PS4/PS5 & Xbox

Before you can harness all these powers, you have to enable cheats in your game save. Remember: enabling cheats will disable achievements or trophies for that particular save file. Let’s see how you do it on various platforms.


  1. Load The Sims 4 and hit Ctrl + Shift + C on your keyboard. A text box will pop up at the top-left corner of the screen.
  2. Type testingCheats true and press Enter. You’ll receive a message: “Cheats are enabled.”

On PlayStation (PS4 / PS5)

  1. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. Once the cheat console appears, let go.
  2. Type testingCheats true and press Done. Cheats are now active!

On Xbox (Xbox One / Xbox Series X / Series S)

  1. Hold LT + RT + LB + RB for a couple of seconds.
  2. Type testingCheats true into the displayed text box.
  3. Press Done, and you’ll see a note that cheats have been activated.

Using The Sims 4 Cheat Console

Once “testingCheats true” is active, you can start typing in the codes listed throughout this guide. The generic usage steps are:

  1. Open the cheat console (Ctrl + Shift + C on PC, or shoulder buttons on console).
  2. Type your code—for instance, motherlode—and press Enter.
  3. You’re good to go!

These standard steps suffice for the majority of cheats. Some “Interaction Cheats,” however, require you to hold certain keys while clicking on the Sim or object.

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Interaction Cheats (TestingCheats)

A few cheats in The Sims 4 revolve around interactions, letting you:

  • Shift-Click on a Sim or object (on PC)
  • Hover + Press X (PS4/PS5)
  • Hover + Press A (Xbox)

With that, you’ll see a small menu of cheat options. Here are some popular ones:

  • Cheat Need > Make Happy: Fills motives to max and sets mood to “Happy.”
  • Cheat Need > Enable or Disable Need Decay: Allows or stops your Sims from losing motive bars.
  • Reset Object: Resets Sims or objects to their default state.
  • Add to Family: Include a non-household Sim in your current household.
  • Modify in CAS: Open that Sim in Create-a-Sim mode to tweak appearance, traits, etc.
  • Make Dirty / Make Clean: Toggle cleanliness of an object.
  • Teleport Sim: Move them anywhere you want in a snap.
  • Make Head: (Goofy) Puts any item on your Sim’s head.

Money Cheats: Motherlode and Beyond

Hence the classic “motherlode” cheat that catapulted the Sims franchise’s popularity. Gaming sessions are so much easier with huge wads of Simoleons at your disposal. If you feel that building a palace from scratch is a bit tedious, these codes are for you:

  • kaching or rosebud – Grants 1,000 Simoleons.
  • motherlode – Instantly gifts you 50,000 Simoleons.
  • Money X – Type any number for that exact total of Simoleons in your household funds. (e.g., “Money 999999”)
  • FreeRealEstate on/off – Make all neighborhood lots free or revert them.
  • household.autopay_bills true/false – Turn off or on your bills.

Money can’t buy happiness—but it sure buys fancy furniture. Another tip: combine money cheats with Build Mode freedom for some truly over-the-top mansions.

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Build Mode Cheats

Speaking of building, The Sims 4 has many codes to help you build your dream home:

  • bb.moveobjects – Overcome object-placement rules; place items floating, overlapping, etc.
  • bb.showhiddenobjects – Reveal locked/hidden items in the catalogue.
  • bb.enablefreebuild – Build on locked lots like the hospital or police station (especially relevant for expansions).
  • bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement – Unlock items usually tied to career progress, e.g., high-level career rewards.

With these unlimited building tools, you can orchestrate architectural wonders—sprawling mansions, underground bunkers, or futuristic labs—without the game second-guessing your design. Let your imagination run wild!

Live Mode Cheats

Sometimes you just want to skip the everyday hassles. Live Mode cheats can solve minor issues:

  • resetsim [firstname lastname] – Resets a stuck Sim. The correct spelling is crucial.
  • aspirations.complete_current_milestone – Immediately fulfill the current aspiration milestone of a Sim.
  • sims.give_satisfaction_points [#] – Award your Sim that many satisfaction points. Perfect for grabbing Reward Traits.
  • fillmotive motive_[Bladder/Energy/Fun/Hunger/Hygiene/Social] – Pick which need you want maxed.
  • sims.fill_all_commodities – With one line, everyone in the household gets their bars filled.

Live Mode cheats are especially handy if you want more time to shape stories rather than babysit your Sims’ bathroom breaks.

Skill Cheats (Adult & Child)

Leveling up Baking, Wedding Cake-making, or Programming can get repetitive. Instantly become an expert with these skill cheats:

For Adult Sims:

 (Replace “10” with any level if you prefer partial mastery.)

For Child & Toddler Sims:

Instant whiz kids! Now your kid can top school projects effortlessly or your toddler can breeze through the dreaded potty-training stage.

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Career Cheats

From Astronaut to Chef, The Sims 4 has many ways to make a living. If you’d rather skip the slow climb, use any of these four main commands:

For instance, “careers.promote Actor” instantly elevates an aspiring star to the next level. Below is a quick reference list for each career’s code word to type:


Teen jobs (e.g., “careers.promote Teen_Babysitter”) also exist. Jump right up the ladder if you’d like to see your teen making top-level part-time wages.

Relationship & Romance Cheats

Interpersonal drama is the heartbeat of The Sims. If you’d prefer to direct the interplay:

  • relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others – Instantly meet neighbors.
  • relationships.create_friends_for_sim – Creates an instant new friend.
  • modifyrelationship [Sim1FN] [Sim1LN] [Sim2FN] [Sim2LN] 100 LTR_Friendship_Main – Max friendship.
  • modifyrelationship [Sim1FN] [Sim1LN] [Sim2FN] [Sim2LN] 100 LTR_Romance_Main – Max romance.

Adjust the “100” to a lesser value for moderate closeness or even negative values to create enemies. Get ready to orchestrate your personal soap opera—no guilt required.

Killing & Unkilling Cheats

Sometimes you just want chaos or a fresh storyline. The Sims 4 has some interesting un-life hacks:

  • death.toggle true – Kills your Sim (the next time a fatal event occurs, they won’t survive).
  • death.toggle false – Makes your Sim immune to death.
  • sims.add_buff Ghostly – Temporarily transform your Sim into a ghost for four hours.
  • stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100 – Instantly slays a vampire (vampire expansion required).

It’s a bit grim, but some storylines can’t flourish without a little heartbreak. Or, you can give your beloved household eternal life—no judgement.

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UI & Display Cheats

These codes toggle different interface features:

  • headlineeffects on/off – Show or hide speech bubbles, thought balloons, plumbobs.
  • hovereffects on/off – Control the highlight glow when hovering over Sims/objects.
  • fullscreenToggle – Switch between fullscreen and windowed mode.
  • fps on/off – Show your frames per second in the corner.

If you’re filming a Sims machinima or want improved screenshots, these UI cheats are a lifesaver

Expansion-Specific Cheats

Over the years, The Sims 4 expansions have introduced specialized cheat codes. Let’s tackle them by expansion pack.

1 Sims 4 Get to Work

Become a detective, doctor, or scientist, or open a retail store. You can tweak employee skills and more:

  • stats.set_skill_level retail_workethic X – Boost your staff’s work ethic.
  • stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance X – Maintenance skill.
  • stats.set_skill_level retail_sales X – Sales skill.

If you own a retail store, you can unlock perks using:



bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_1 true

bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_2 true

bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Large true

Faster restocking, faster checkouts, extra staff—this set of commands makes running your shop a breeze.

2 The Sims 4 Parenthood

Parenting is complicated, but these cheats let you set character values quickly:



stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_ConflictResolution X

stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_EmotionalControl X

stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Empathy X

stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Manners X

stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Responsibility X

Replace “X” with a range from -100 to 100 to shift how well your kid handles emotional or social situations.

3 The Sims 4 Island Living

Ever want to become a mermaid?

  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid – You’re now a watery entity.
  • traits.remove_trait trait_OccultMermaid – Back on land again!

Island Living also introduced new off-grid experiences, but these two cheats remain the core for fast mermaid transformations.

4 The Sims 4 Dine Out

If you own a restaurant, you can add:



bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalChef true

bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_1 true

These perks allow more staff, cheaper ingredients, and calmer customers. If you’re aspiring to run a chain of celebrity eateries, you’ll definitely want these codes.

5 The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs

Open a Vet Clinic, staff it, and keep pets happy:



bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalVet_1 true

bucks.unlock_perk Vetperks_InspirationalSpeechSocial true

Tweak everything from employee training costs to pet stress. Make your clinic top of the charts in no time.

6 The Sims 4 Vampires

The underworld can be complicated, which is why dozens of cheat codes revolve around fangs and immortality:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire – Turn your Sim undead.
  • stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 – Transition over days.
  • traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire – Cure vampirism.

You can also rank up your vampire status:

  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202 – Minor Vampire
  • ** … 630** – Prime Vampire
  • ** … 1058** – Master Vampire
  • ** … 1486** – Grand Master Vampire

7 The Sims 4 Werewolves

If baring your fangs in a different sense appeals to you, the Werewolves pack includes:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_NightMark – Mark of the Night
  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood – Greater Wolf Blood
  • … and so on.

From Big Bad Wolf to Anti-capitalist Canine, you can shape the personality and backstory of your furry friend. Full moon mischief has never been easier.

8 The Sims 4 High School Years

Teen drama can be just as complicated:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_dropout – Drop out of school.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_expelled – Expelled.
  • careers.promote teen_simsfluencersidehustle – Boost that side hustle career.
  • modifyrelationship [Sim1] [Sim2] 100 sentimenttrack_close_st_goodfirstimpression – Instantly create a positive first impression.

High School Years also invites new extracurriculars (Cheer team, Chess team, Football, etc.) with specialized perks.

9 The Sims 4 Horse Ranch

With horses now galloping across your screen, you can crank up equestrian skill:



sims.get_sim_id_by_name [HorseFirstName] [HorseLastName]

stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_EquestrianSkill 10 [HorseID]

You can also improve the horse’s temperament, agility, or jumping stats. Perfect for winning ranch competitions.

10 The Sims 4 For Rent

Short and sweet:

  • bb.increaserentalunitcap off – Removes the rental unit cap.
  • bb.increaserentalunitcap on – Restores it.

It’s a fairly new addition, letting you expand how many units can exist in a single property.

11 The Sims 4 Lovestruck

Looking for next-level romance?

  • careers.promote romanceconsultant – Advance in the Romance Consultant career.
  • modifyrelationship [Sim1FN] [Sim1LN] [Sim2FN] [Sim2LN] [1-100] LTR_Romance_Main – Dial up or down the romance meter.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_RomanticallyReserved – Makes a Sim more guarded.
  • stats.set_skill_level Major Romance [1-10] – Fine-tune your ability to woo hearts.

The name says it all—this expansion is designed to dial up that sweet-talking drama a notch.

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Wrapping Up

Using cheat codes in The Sims 4 is an art form all its own—an invitation to go big, experiment, and push your game’s storytelling to new heights. Whether you want unlimited money, want to achieve rockstar-level skills overnight, or prefer meddling in the romantic entanglements of your neighborhood, all you need is the right console command.

Remember, once you type “testingCheats true,” you’re stepping into a world without limitations. That’s the magic (and mischief) of the Sims 4 Cheat Codes List. Use your creativity, shape your perfect storyline, and let your whims guide you. Who says you can’t have it all?

So there you have it—thousands of words, countless ways to shape your Sim’s destiny. Go forth and bend reality to your will, Simmers! And if new expansions roll out (they always do!), rest assured we’ll keep this ultimate cheat code compendium up to date.

Read More: Garena Free Fire MAX Redeem Codes 2025: Unlock Exclusive Rewards Naruto Evo Bundle, and More


1: Do Sims 4 cheat codes disable achievements permanently?

Activating cheats will disable achievements or trophies only in the specific save file where you input “testingCheats true.” If you’d like to still earn achievements in other saves, simply avoid enabling cheats there, or start a separate fresh save file. The effect isn’t global—just for the save where cheats were used.

2: Can I use cheats to fix a glitched or corrupt save file?

Cheats can fix stuck Sims using resetsim [SimName], but they won’t resolve deep corruption issues by themselves. It’s best to combine cheat usage with general troubleshooting steps like removing conflicting mods, updating the game, or reverting to an earlier backup. In many cases, resetting an unresponsive Sim does the trick, but major corruption might require advanced methods (like a game repair through Origin/EA App).


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