Netflix has dropped the trailer of the Dutch Belgian war film. “The Forgotten Battle”. It is a heartwarming action drama film. At the beginning of the trailer, we will see Gijs Blom as the captain Dutch Axis soldier who is commanding Van Staveran that he would be transferred to Holland. It has started forth from the Dutch perspective and will also explore their participation in the Second World War In this war film we will see several scenes of booms blasting and firing.
Tom Felton is in the lead role will play Tony Turner has said that in war there is no scope for a boy to act as the hero. The story of the film is based on November 1944, on the flooded island of Walcheren, Zeeland, hundreds of Allied arise are fighting with the German forces. It has been connected with three young lives. It depicts a Dutch boy who has been prevented by the Germans, an English glider pilot, and also a woman who belongs to Zeeland who has been participated in the Resistance in the opposition of his will and has been compelled for taking some important decisions that also will going to affect their very close freedom and the liberty of the other people.
This war of Scheldt was completely instrumental and has permit the entire force of Allied to free Holland from Nazi Germany. It is true that war can take many lives and many families have lost their close members, similarly, this was has taken the lives of Ten thousand people for the Scheldt Estuary.
The story of this war film will deeply be realized about the meaning of Liberation from the opposite ends of the spectrum that has extremely come to the futility of the battle, after the word of the Dutch soldier about ending of this stupid war.
This film is featuring Gijs Blom, as a lead role on the side of German, Jamie Flatters as British glider pilot, Susan Radder as a local girl, and we will also see Jan Bijvoet as Doctor Vidder, Tom Felton as Tony Turner, Coen Bril as Henk Scheijder, Theo Barklem-Bi as John, Scot Reid as Nigel, Marthe Schneider as Janna Justus Von Dohnayl as Oberst Berghof, Joep Paddenburg as Lucas,, Mark van Eeuwen as Pin den Oever, and Sytse Faber as Jobse Brother 2.
Release Date
Netflix has set to premiere this war film on 15th October 2021.
Here is the trailer: