The evergreen actor Anil Kapoor and his son Harshvardhan Kapoor will come together in the film named, ‘Thar’. Harshvardhan already made his debut in the 2016 film, ‘ Mirzya’. This time we are going to see the father-son duo on the screen. Both are looking stunning in the trailer. The two-actor is going to reveal many secrets up to the sleeves. The new trailer contains a gritty and dark story set in the sandy terrain of the Thar desert.
This crime thriller film features Anil Kapoor as a police officer talking about how the is more about the murder than meeting an eye. Following the path of investigation, he catches Harshvardhan who is dealing antiques and encountered him. Harshvardhan is mainly responsible for the death mysteries that already rocked the region. In this film, each and every character reveals their secrets.
Thar: Plot
The story is based on the antique dealers, Siddharth’s travels along with the remote village in Rajasthan that has currently been rocked by a series of many violent murders. There is a local cop Surekha Singh investigates these killings and he follows the paths with Siddharth.
Thar: Cast
Anil Kapoor previously revealed that Thar had been pitched to him by his son he also said,” Harshvardhan has a very unique approach and his voice of films are also very distinct. The film was brought to me by Harshvardhan and he was very passionate about the project and he plays an integral part in this movie coming together.”.
Anil Kapoor also said,” Thar strikes the perfect balance between gritty and slick, grainy, and smooth, fast-paced yet nuanced.”
The movie is directed by Raj Singh Chaudhary, Thar also features Fatima Sana Shaikh, Akshay Oberoi, and Satish Kaushik in lead roles.
Thar: Release Date
The film will hit on Netflix on 6th May 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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