Rachel Zegler

Rachel Zegler Stars in Netflix’s Animated Musical ‘Spellbound’: A Magical Journey Unfolds

Rachel Zegler steps into the enchanting world of voice acting in "Spellbound," a musical animation from Skydance Animation set to premiere on Netflix. This...

A Fresh Snow White Set for 2025: Gal Godot and Rachel Zegler Enchants...

Disney fans, get ready to embark on a magical journey into the enchanting world of "Snow White" like never before! The highly anticipated live-action...
Ankush Mallick

Rachel Zegler Stars in Netflix’s Animated Musical ‘Spellbound’: A Magical Journey...

Rachel Zegler steps into the enchanting world of voice acting in "Spellbound," a musical animation from Skydance Animation set to premiere on Netflix. This...
Diksha Yadav
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A Fresh Snow White Set for 2025: Gal Godot and Rachel...

Disney fans, get ready to embark on a magical journey into the enchanting world of "Snow White" like never before! The highly anticipated live-action...