Premier League
Top 5 things to potentially fix modern football
With things like the Super League, and boycotting social media becoming commonplace for modern football, there is a lot that is wrong with the...
Premier League confirm zero COVID cases among 2,787 players and staff...
Premier League confirms zero COVID cases fir the first time ever in their latest round of COVID-19 testing.
Among 2787 players and staff, no one...
Premier League Hall Of Fame: Everything you need to know
The Premier League introduced its Hall of Fame on 19th April and on 26th April, it inducted its first players. Arsenal's Thierry Henry and...
Watford back in the Premier League after 1-0 victory against Millwall
Watford are back in the Premier League after being relegated last season, with the club guaranteed to finish second following their 1-0 win against...
Fans and player’s reactions to the European Super League
Chelsea were the first team to pull out of the proposed European Super League. They announced the news right after the Brighton game. Before...
Premier League Big Six clubs all lost £8 million due to...
The European Super League lasted a short 48 hours before plans collapsed with clubs pulling out left, right and centre. In a recent report,...