Eros Now recently announced a spooky series named Barun Rai and...
Eros Now on Thursday had announced their new psychological-horror series "Barun Rai and the House on the Cliff" featuring actor Priyanshu Chatterjee. It was...
Irrfan Khan’s unreleased film Murder at Teesri Manzil 302 will release...
Late actor Irrfan Khan's unreleased film Murder at Teesri Manzil 302 will be premiering on 31 December 2021 on the OTT platform ZEE5.
Brahmastra motion poster: Ranbir surprises everyone with his avatar of the...
Alia and Ranbir film Brahmastra's poster was released on Wednesday. It features Ranbir Kapoor as the new-age Shiva, the ' modern-mytho' also stars Alia...
Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway: Rani Mukherjee’s film gets a release date
Rani Mukherjee's film Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway finally gets a release date. It will be released next year on 20th May as announced on...
“Filmfare Awards 2021”: All the Details of Bollywood’s Biggest Film Award...
On 3rd April, Saturday, the awards for the 66th Annual Filmfare Awards were announced. It was a big event which is hosted by versatile...