AMD’s Radeon PRO V620 GPU built RDNA 2 architecture brings multi-stream...
AMD has recently announced its new AMD Radeon PRO™ V620 GPU, which is built with the latest AMD RDNA™ 2 architecture. The architecture of...
Microsoft and AMD reportedly collaborating to bring RDNA graphics to the...
Microsoft released its Surface Pro X in 2019 and since then we haven't seen the device receiving any kind of substantial upgrade to its...
AMD plans to soon release Cyan Skillfish APU based on RDNA...
According to recent information, Advanced Micro Devices has been working on an accelerated processing unit (APU) with a built-in graphics processor codenamed "Cyan Skillfish"....
Samsung’s upcoming SoC with AMD’s mRDNA2 GPU might be adopted by...
We already know that Samsung and AMD are working together to offer the latter's mobile RDNA2 GPU in Smasungs flagship devices. The new Exynos...
AMD RDNA Crypto Mining Graphics Cards is under development, may include...
Soon, AMD could follow NVIDIA in offering its own line of crypto mining-specific graphics cards, which are based on the RDNA GPU architecture. It...