Fashion fans are looking for ideas for their seasonal wardrobe as the temperature rises and the warm summer days beckon. Khushi Kapoor, a rising star in Bollywood, recently attracted the interest of those with her latest casual style when she went out for a day in the city. After all, the two Kapoor sisters—Gunjan Saxena actresses Janhvi and Khushi—have repeatedly left us in awe with their incredible sense of style.
Khushi Kapoor was recently seen in Andheri, Mumbai, leaving her car, greeting and posing for the paparazzi, and then rushing towards an office. With her carefree, summery attire, she looked absolutely attractive.
Khushi Kapoor stylishly matched a Prada Re-Edition 2005 shoulder bag, which cost about Rs. 1.6 lakhs, with a gorgeous tiered linen blend white dress from Zara that cost $4,990.She is a style icon for summer fashion because of the elegance and simplicity of her clothing choices.