Reports had earlier suggested that Sujoy Ghosh would direct Shah Rukh Khan and his daughter Suhana Khan in the upcoming film King. But the latest update was that Siddharth Anand who worked on Pathaan and Fighter will now handle the project. Anand was originally on the film as a co-producer, and will now take over directing duties, while Ghosh will be leaving to pursue other opportunities. For Ghosh, it seems that he has now turned to another project, a reported thriller that has fans buzzing.
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Sujoy Ghosh Shifts Focus to Thriller with Shahid Kapoor After Leaving ‘King’ Direction
Sujoy Ghosh’s New Thriller Project
After a hiatus from King, Sujoy Ghosh is believed to have begun work on yet another exciting project. Details about the movie are still under wraps, but there’s speculation on a possible collaboration with Bollywood star Shahid Kapoor. The pair were first scheduled to collaborate back in 2021 but were forced to postpone the project over scheduling conflicts. Now, they are said to be reworking the script and hope to begin production in 2025.
Shahid Kapoor is Also in Final Talks to Play the Lead
The lead role in Ghosh’s next thriller has been discussed with Shahid. Kapoor, who is widely recognized for his work in intense and serious films, would mark his first collaboration with Ghosh. The filmmaker is well known for blending mystery with drama, a hallmark of films like Kahaani and Badla. With the script reportedly in hand, anticipation is growing for what the duo will bring to the big screen.
The Buzz Around Shahid-Sujoy’s Team-Up
If the project happens, it will mark the first-ever collaboration of Shahid Kapoor and Sujoy Ghosh. Fans are excited for Kapoor in a fitting role in Ghosh’s genre of thrillers. But finally, official confirmation comes out with further details, so let’s see what happens with the project.
Is Shahid Kapoor working with Sujoy Ghosh?
Yes, Shahid Kapoor and Sujoy Ghosh are in talks for a thriller film, with plans to begin production in 2025.
What happened to Sujoy Ghosh’s film ‘King’?
Sujoy Ghosh stepped down from directing ‘King,’ and Siddharth Anand has taken over the project.