During her short but impactful career, Suhani Bhatnagar left an indelible mark on the Indian film industry. The young actress was known for her powerful performances in movies like Dangal. Her sudden death at the tender age of 19 shocked the entire nation and left behind a void that can never be filled.
Reason behind Suhani Bhatnagar death at 19
According to an article in English Jagran, the death is believed to be due to an accumulation of fluid in her body. Reports suggest that Suhani had been involved in an accident and was grappling with a broken leg. The medication she was taking reportedly had adverse effects, leading to the gradual build-up of fluid in her body.
She had been receiving medical attention at the renowned AIIMS Delhi Hospital for an extended period, according to further reports. This distressing news has deeply saddened her admirers.
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