Steam recently conducted a poll of its users, and the results on the hardware used by players on the site have been updated. The findings reveal that hexa-core CPUs are becoming more popular, displacing quad-core technology. In addition, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 improves its position in the rankings, moving up to third place in the most recent findings.
According to a recent Steam Hardware Survey, Hexa-core CPUs are preferred by more consumers than quad-core processors. Users prefer processors with six or more physical cores (34.22 percent), while 33.74 percent utilize four cores in their gaming settings, according to the study
Quad-core processors were extensively used by Steam users, with 41.61 percent of users using those exact CPU architectures. Apart from the 11 core CPU-based processors, which are more of a special arrangement, octa-core processors have recently experienced a boom in numbers.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 continues to be popular among Steam users, with an 8.18 percent market share
The GeForce RTX 2060’s performance may lag below that of the company’s prior GPU due to semiconductor chip shortages and COVID-19’s effects. Scalpers and crypto mining are also likely to be involved in the data, guaranteeing that gamers and casual users were left out of GPU sales.
However, in the tabulated data findings, the GeForce RTX 2060 surpassed the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti to claim third place in the user rankings. NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 3060’s performance also improved in March, allowing more Ampere-based GPUs to overtake the top rankings.
With graphics card prices expected to fall in the next months, providing more users and gamers access to harder-to-find GPUs, the GeForce GTX 1060 may be dethroned in its present position by a newer generation of graphics card
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