On Tuesday at the launch of their stream of Marvels Avengers, Square Enix decided to pay its tribute to the untimely passing of actor Chadwick Boseman. The message at the start of the stream said that “out of respect for a fallen true hero, we have altered what we are showing today. The stream asked the participants to join the studio for a moment of silence. In the end, it showed the iconic black panther logo before proceeding with the rest of the event.
After the successful streaming of Marvels Avengers, the streams viewers had suggested that the company had originally planned to make a black panther as a playable character. However, Kate Bishop was added as the next playable character after the game’s launch followed by Hawkeye later this year.
The black panther was a cultural phenomenon and Boseman’s performance-inspired fans of all ages. From his introduction in the civil war to his iconic battle with Kill monger, Boseman brought a new meaning and charisma to the character of the black panther.
While the world grieves the untimely death of actor Chadwick Boseman. We all still remember the legend and legacy that he left behind. From playing iconic black history figures such as Jackie Robinson, James Brown, and Thurgood Marshall, to breathing life in the iconic black panther. King T’challa will always be remembered as a legend.
In an interview, Boseman once said that he visited two children fighting with cancer who spent their last days of life anticipating the film black panther.
Little did anyone know that the late actor himself was battling colon cancer for four-years.
Marvels avengers will be launched on September 4. It will be available on both current-gen consoles as well as on google stadia. The game story begins shortly 5 years after a deadly tragedy. With the world being threatened by A.I.M, players must assume the role of Marvels avengers to save the world from this threat. The game is also set to be launched on the upcoming Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 after their successful launch later this year.
As of now, it is still unclear when the king of Wakanda will join the avenger’s rooster. But if the reports are accurate, the studio had already planned to launch the black panther as a playable character. It may not be long before the king joins the earth mightiest heroes.
Wakanda forever.
Sources: Square Enix
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