The clubhouse became an instant hit after its debut on Android. The invite-only social media app where people can conduct chat room meetings with a capacity of 1000 people is doing great on both Android and iOS. But recent sources indicate that another popular service has taken some inspiration from Clubhouse.
According to sources, Spotify recently introduced its own Clubhouse-like experience called Greenroom. Spotify recently acquired Betty Labs, the creator of the sports-focused Locker Room app, and ever since then, Spotify has worked hard to turn Locker Room into what is now officially known as Greenroom. The service will is now available on both iOS and Android and can be accessed from over 135 markets.
Spotify’s Greenroom offers you a live audio experience, allowing users to have the ability to host or participate in a live room chat. Users can join Greenroom using their existing Spotify credentials. There is also a feature to record conversations, and chat controls are also provided to ensure that users can limit the participants when they feel like it.
The current features of Spotify’s Greenroom include joining a group, searching for upcoming rooms, join a room, and create rooms. The company also promised that it will continue to evolve the format and will bring new features to this platform and more topics for everyone to discuss.
Spotify will also be launching a Creator Fund, which will help live audio creators monetize their work. After signing up for the service, payments will be forthcoming based on your life content consumption and how many people turn up in your rooms. So if you manage to grow your listener base then you will see a growth in your income as well. for more info stay tuned.