SportsBaazi, India’s leading live sports gaming platform, has reported a remarkable 106% increase in Monthly Active Users (MAUs) during the 2023 Cricket World Cup. The tournament was the first significant event for SportsBaazi since its rebranding from BalleBaazi and saw nearly half a million users actively engaged on the platform.
SportsBaazi scores big during the Cricket World Cup 2023; Registers almost half a million active users during the tournament
Driven by a mission to cultivate a community of sports enthusiasts, SportsBaazi offers fans the chance to showcase their skills in real time as matches unfold. The platform reached its peak engagement during the finals, with 100,000 active users and its ‘Watch & Play’ feature generating record-breaking revenue. This feature also contributed to a 63% increase in time spent on the platform. Additionally, new user sign-ups surged by 40% during the tournament.
Notably, Virat Kohli and Jasprit Bumrah were the most popular Indian players, while international stars David Warner and Pat Cummins topped the list for fantasy team selections. Uttar Pradesh led in terms of active users, followed by Maharashtra, Bihar, Delhi, and Madhya Pradesh.
Reflecting on this success, Co-Founder and CEO of SportsBaazi, Saurabh Chopra, said, “The Cricket World Cup is more than just a sports event in India; it’s an emotional rollercoaster packed with intense entertainment. The excitement and engagement reached unprecedented levels this season, especially on SportsBaazi. We’re thrilled to announce that SportsBaazi has achieved record growth, largely thanks to our newly launched ‘watch-and-play’ feature.”
Chopra added, “These numbers indicate a maturing Indian online gaming community that is eager for innovative and engaging skill gaming formats. We remain committed to our vision of introducing captivating formats that fuel spectator engagement growth.”