Sony Pictures has dropped the new trailer of Spider-Man: No Way Home: Break the Universe. We have previously seen the trailer has ended with such words of Doctor Strange as his replying to Holland, “They are starting to coming through and I can’t stop it”.
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Break the Universe: Trailer Details
This trailer is starting from that part. The girlfriend of S Spider-Man named M.J. is giving some hints that they have to do something all the villains will break the universe. The name of the trailer, “Break the Universe” is seriously very appropriate, as this time the trailer also reveals the power of the villains, it has started from Dr. Octopas who is spreading his long metallic hand into the ground and the ground become collapsed.
This time we have also got such clear images of Electro who is lightning with his yellow electric and also throwing the electric beam towards Octopus who is on the tower by saying that no one can take it from him. We have also seen Green Goblin throwing bombs.
This time our superhero Spider-Man is just throwing his web and flying out into the darkness we have not seen him be fighting with the villains. We have also seen the sandstorm make by sandmen that are creating trouble in the city. The sandman has gripped Spider-Man into her hand.
Octopus always want to give some hints to Spider-Man that all of the villains will die by fighting with Spider-Man like previous. Spider-Man wants to take the cube from the hand of Strange, and in the end, we have seen that Strange is bringing Spider-Man to another world and finding another way for facing the villains.
One thing that is always common in Spider-Man films is that his girlfriend has to befall from the high and this time M.J. is also falling from the high and Spider-Man is trying to catch her.
It is very sad that this time also we have not seen other Spider-man from the other world. We have to wait to know the ultimate ending as the villains are literally broken the universe or not.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
Read1: “Spider-Man: No Way Home”: The First Trailer of Tom Holland’s Superhero film got released