Deadline unveiled that a Ghost of Tsushima movie adaption is in production, where the renowned Chad Stahelski set to direct who was the director of all the John Wick movies. He is also going to be a producer alongside Alex Young and Jason Spitz from 87Elevn Entertainment.
Sony Pictures and PlayStation Productions are going to develop the Ghost of Tsushima movie, it was instituted mainly to adapt Sony gaming IPS to the big and small screens. The Head of PlayStation Productions, Asad Qizilbash said:
“We’re excited to be partnering with Chad and 87Eleven Entertainment, to bring their vision of Jin’s story to the big screen. We love working with creative partners like Chad, who has a passion for our games, ensuring we can create rich adaptations that will excite our fans and new audiences.”
Game developer Sucker Punch Productions is also looking after the project through Peter Kang. The Ghost of Tsushima movie is going to be the second big-screen adaption to be developed under PlayStation Productions following the Uncharted movie, which will be released on 11th of February, 2022, where Tom Holland playing the role of young Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg as his mentor Victor ‘Sully’ Sullivan.
Ghost of Tsushima launched in July 2020 and wccftech wrote in its review:
“Ghost of Tsushima is Sucker Punch’s best game yet and a great open-world title capable of measuring to some of the biggest names in the genre. The excellent rendition of feudal Japan, along with its well-written characters and story, make Ghost of Tsushima stand out as the last must-have PlayStation 4 exclusive.”
The Deadline’s article informed that it has sold 6.5 million copies to date.