We all that currently, the title of the fastest mobile processor is held by Apple’s A14 Bionic, with its A13 Bionic holding second place. Qualcomm, the world’s largest manufacturer of chipsets, also has its processors in the top 5. The companies Snapdragon 865 and Snapdragon 765G are powerful chipsets in their own right, but according to sources, the upcoming processors from Qualcomm will some huge performance leaps over their predecessors. The Snapdragon 875 and Snapdragon 775G prototype platforms have already been benchmarked in AnTuTu, and the results are revealing amazing insight into their performance.
The Snapdragon 775G-based platform managed 530,000 points in AnTuTu v8 and has crossed the Snapdragon 765G with huge leaps in performance. The Snapdragon 765G had earlier scored an average of 316,534 points with a maximum of 332,074 points in the benchmark. Thus, the score obtained by Snapdragon 775G indicates that the chipset outperforms its predecessor by around 60%. Interestingly, the score of 530,000 points puts the Snapdragon 775G only 8% behind the Snapdragon 865.
While the Snapdragon 775G performance is impressive, sources claim that the Snapdragon 875-based platform managed to outperform everyone in the benchmark. The Snapdragon 875 managed a score of about 740,000 points. The score obtained by the Snapdragon 875 indicates that it has a 28% lead over the Snapdragon 865.
By Qualcomm’s announcement, the Snapdragon 875 will be showcased in its 2020 tech summit in December. But unfortunately, for Snapdragon 775G, not much has been made clear about its future. We know that the chipset will support up to 120 Hz displays, 12 GB of LPDDR5 RAM, and UFS 3.1 storage. As to when the chipset will be announced or which devices will carry it remains a mystery.