After getting a huge response on Brahmastra, Ranbir Kapoor unveils the trailer of his upcoming film Shamshera. We can’t deny, that what comes from the hand of SS Rajamouli provides a deep impact on the makers of this generation. The new trailer reveals to the audience the tale of a brave ‘lootera’ who is dedicated to fulfilling his father’s mission. In this film, Ranbir Kapoor appears as both father and son. It’s very challenging for him to break his chocolate boy image and play a character like this.
Sanjay Dutt will play the role of the antagonist Shuddh Singh who has worked under the British to uncover the criminal who has to frighten the local villagers. Vanni Kapoor appears as the female lead Sona who has a love story with Ranbir’s character Khamanan. Day by day Sanjay Dutt becomes the only owner of the villainous role as we have seen him recently in Akshay Kumar’s Samrat Prithviraj. Previously, we have seen he has nailed the role of Adheera in Yash’s KGF: Chapter 2.
The story of the film has set in 1871, in the fictitious city of Kaza Ranbir just enslaved the warrior tribe with the locales, the scale, and all just quite look impressive since the makers are decided to release it in IMAX to provide that ultimate experience that’s just cost them money. This earlier scene just reminds us about Mad Max: Fury Road mainly while Shuddh Singh just keeping his subjects under his boot heels and controlling the water supply of the city, and also exposing some type of enslavement.
Shamshera: Trailer
The new trailer starts with a lot of prisoners whose heads are down infront of dominating British rulers, who are torturing them with cruelty, in the background a voice is enchanting, “enslavement is a curse, Freedom is not handed to you, you have to conquer it”. After that, the trailer introduces a warm entry of Ranbir Kapoor aka Shamshera on a horse with their tribe. He plays the role of a dacoit and comes as a team to steal things. In this film, we will see Ranbir Kapoor in a double role as a father Shamshera, and a son Khamanan.
Ranbir Kapoor aka Shamshera was a leader holding an axe in his hand. In Kaza, after some years a new dacoit exactly similar to Shamshera appeared who has robbed weddings and festivals. Vaani Kapoor aka Sona is looking awesome in the item song. Now while she comes to know that Ranbir Kapoor alone is going to challenge the British alone, she is aware of him, in reply Ranbir said he is not alone he has a gang. The dacoit gang starts to steal things and terrify the villagers’, the villagers jointly come to the British to help them.
The British appointed Sanjay Dutt aka Shuddh Singh to handle the case. He is an Indian and believes Indian dirt can be cleaned by Indian hand. Sanjay Dutt’s appearance is really very dominating in the film with a lot of cops holding guns. A battlefield has been set in which Ranbir Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt have great combat against each other. Ranbir Kapoor says the time come to purify or ‘Shuddh’ the motherland.
The entry of Khamanan on a white horse with a fireball is literally amazing. In the end, the trailer also reveals Shamshera and Khamanan side by side watching each other. Shamshera who was a great dacoit defeated a British soldier single-handedly with an axe, the son of Shamsheera, Khamanan is also played by Ranbir Kapoor who makes his father an idol of his life and follows the footsteps of his father to shake the British emperor.
The fighting scenes in trains, and also on the ground is seriously very mind-blowing. They may be bandits by duty, but freedom is their faith. We have to wait to see whether the son will be able to maintain his father’s mission.
Shamshera is Ranbir Kapoor’s big-screen return after Sanju in 2018. We have not seen him in any film since the last movie of Rajkumar Hiran. This year comes with back-to-back two blockbuster films Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra in September, and Karan Malhotra’s Shamshera. Shamshera is directed by Karan Malhotra and also generated by Aditya Chopra. Apart from Ranbir Kapoor and Vanni Kapoor, the film features Ashutosh Rana, Saurabh Shukla, Ronit Roy, Tridha Chowdhury, and Pitobash Tripathy.
Shamshera: Release Date
At first, it was planned that the film will hit the theatres on 20th December 2019, but later the release date was postponed to 18th March 2022. After several delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, at last, the film has set to release on 22nd July 2022 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.