Sennheiser CX Plus Special Edition earbuds have been launched in India on Friday. The earbuds have features of active noise annulment and personalized touch controls. The company asserts a playback time of up to 24 hours for the CX Plus SE audio gadgets.
The in-ear earbuds also have features like a transparent hearing mode that lets a customer stay away from the nearby voice while wearing the device. The CX Plus SE will be available, especially on the e-commerce platform Amazon. In the meantime, the CX Plus earbuds were launched in India in the month of April this year.
Sennheiser CX Plus SE: Specifications and Features
The CX Plus SE TWS earbuds come with active noise annulment technology that lets people listen to their favorite music, and podcasts, and make calls without aberrations. The earbuds also feature a Transparent Hearing mode that allows buyers to be conscious of the environment, without taking off the earbuds.
As per the German company, the CX Plus SE provides up to 24 hours of battery life with the included case. It also offers four sizes of ear adapters to ensemble ears of different shapes and sizes.
The buds from this are also IPX4-rated for water resistance, and feature personalization touch controls that can be customized by the customer. The CX Plus SE comes with dual-mics and can be used separately. The earbuds support SBC, AAC, aptX, and aptX Adaptive codecs.
Sennheiser CX Plus SE earbuds: Price and availability in India
The CX Plus earbuds were declared to come at a price range of Rs. 14,990 when the earbuds were first launched in India earlier this year. Though, interested customers can purchase the CX Plus SE at Rs. 8,990 during the Amazon Prime Day sale, which will go on for two days on the 23rd and 24th of July.
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