The Samsung Galaxy S25 series continues to stir debate over its chipset selection. Some earlier reports indicated that Samsung would drop its own Exynos 2500 chip over its low yields, and instead outfit all Galaxy S25 models with the Snapdragon 8 Elite. Recent Geekbench appearances have only added to the intrigue, however, suggesting that both chipsets will actually be offered in different models of the series.
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Samsung Galaxy S25 Series to Feature Both Snapdragon and Exynos Chips, Latest Benchmarks Suggest
Now, a Galaxy S25 Ultra (the U.S. variant with the model number SM-S938U) has appeared on Geekbench with a Snapdragon 8 Elite running it, which scored 3,148 and 10,236 in single-core and multi-core tests respectively.
These scores are a significant uptick over a previous benchmark where it hit 3,069 single-core, and 9,080 multi-core points, a sign that the device is becoming more optimized with the Snapdragon chip inside it. Snapdragon 8 Elite is a top-tier chip that features both the Oryon CPU which also features a Prime and Performance core architecture, 24MB of Cache, and clock speeds of 4.32GHz.
On an unrelated topic, the Samsung Galaxy S25+ (model SM-S936B) has also been spotted on Geekbench running on the Exynos 2500 which is said to be with a 10-core CPU. The single-core and multi-core scores for this model were 2,359 and 8,141, respectively.
According to the report, the Exynos 2500 includes one 3.3GHz prime core, two 2.75GHz high-performance cores, three 2.36GHz cores, and two 1.8GHz efficiency cores. The Exynos 2500 may also include silicon capacitors from Samsung, which, with demand spikes, could stabilize voltage and further enhance performance with the passage of time.
As per its Q3 2024 earnings report, Samsung confirmed that the Galaxy S25 series will make its debut in early 2025. While uncertainty over chipsets means exact performance numbers are hard to predict, gains are expected as devices are more fully optimized. Adding to the anticipation, rumors suggest that Samsung may launch a “Galaxy S25 Slim” model a few months after the main series, further expanding its 2025 flagship lineup.
Will the Galaxy S25 series use both Snapdragon and Exynos processors?
Yes, recent benchmarks suggest the Galaxy S25 Ultra may use Snapdragon 8 Elite, while the Galaxy S25+ could feature the Exynos 2500.
When is the Galaxy S25 series expected to launch?
Samsung plans to launch the Galaxy S25 series in early 2025.