Samsung Galaxy S21 series launch is around the corner. Samsung has also unveiled the Official Trailer of the Galaxy Unpacked 2021 event. Samsung is set to launch the next Galaxy S21 series on January 14 in the Unpacked Event starting from 8 PM in India.
Also read: Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 concept shows S21 like the rear camera
The official trailer shows the re-designed camera module along with the structure and the camera bump as well. The trailer has also shown the periscopic camera technology animation on a shot and has also shown some more unique features of the phone. The smartphone will be able to shoot video from both front and rear cameras at the same time and while adjusting between several zoom levels. The camera quality has also been improved this time. Hope to see some more features ahead of the launch.
Samsung Galaxy S21 5G
Samsung Galaxy S21 Plus 5G
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Evan Blass has again shared these exclusive 360 spins of all the Galaxy S21 series models. Let’s have a look at them for a better understanding of the devices.
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