Samsung had launched its Galaxy S20 FE smartphone in India in September last year. But then it was a 4G smartphone powered by the Exynos 990 chipset. Now, the South-Korean tech giant has launched the 5G variant of the same smartphone in India, named Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G, and this time it is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chipset. So, without wasting much time, let’s quickly get into its specifications, features, and pricing.
The Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G runs One UI 3.1 based on Android 11 OS and is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chipset. Regarding the display, this phone offers a 6.5-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED flat panel with an Infinity-O design supported by a refresh rate of 120Hz. This phone has an in-display fingerprint scanner.
The SD 865 SoC of this phone is paired with 8GB of RAM and 128GB/256GB of UFS 3.1 storage (expandable). Coming to the camera section, this phone features a triple rear camera setup supported by an LED flash that includes a 12-megapixel main camera (OIS-assisted), an 8-megapixel telephoto sensor (OIS and 3x optical zoom support), and a 12-megapixel ultrawide lens (123-degree FOV). For selfies, this phone has a32MP selfie snapper at the front.
The Galaxy S20 FE 5G is fueled up by a 5,000mAH battery supported by 25W of fast charging and 15W wireless charging (reverse wireless charging supported). This phone is available in three different color options: Cloud Navy, Cloud Lavender, and Cloud Mint.
Coming to its pricing, the Galaxy S20 FE 5G carries a price tag of Rs. 55,999 (~$763) [introductory price: Rs 47,999 (~$654)] for its base 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant in India. This phone is available for sale today through Samsung India’s online shop, Amazon India, and offline retailers. On the other hand, in recent times, the typical Galaxy S20 FE 4G carries a price tag of Rs 44,999 (~$613) in India.
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