S8UL Esports, the powerhouse of Indian gaming, has once again etched its name in history as the only Indian organization nominated for the prestigious Global Esports Awards 2023. After making a mark last year by winning ‘Content Group of the Year,’ S8UL is now in contention for ‘Esports Content Creator of the Year.’ Additionally, Naman Mathur, popularly known as Mortal and the face of Indian gaming, has secured his fourth consecutive nomination for ‘Esports Personality of the Year.’ This recognition highlights the organization’s remarkable contributions to the Indian gaming and Esports community and showcases their determination to achieve international glory once more.
The Esports Awards: Celebrating Excellence in Esports
The Esports Awards, a distinguished event in the Esports industry, aims to celebrate top-class performances and innovations across players, teams, media, hardware providers, games, events, and personalities within the gaming scene. It serves as a platform to recognize and appreciate the success and achievements of individuals and organizations in the world of Esports, ensuring that their talent and dedication are celebrated globally.
S8UL Esports: Pioneering Indian Gaming
S8UL Esports, co-founded by Naman Mathur (Mortal), Animesh Agarwal (8Bit Thug), and Lokesh Jain (Goldy), has been setting benchmarks in the Indian gaming landscape since its inception. Last year, the organization’s exceptional content creation efforts earned them the prestigious ‘Content Group of the Year’ award, putting them on the global Esports map alongside industry giants like 100 Thieves, FaZe Clan, and G4TV.
This year, S8UL is nominated for ‘Esports Content Creator of the Year,’ a testament to their commitment to delivering exceptional gaming content in India. The organization’s roster includes renowned gamers and creators like Mortal, Scout, Payal, Mamba, Regaltos, Krutika, Sidd, and Kaashvi, making them a flagbearer of Indian Esports on the global stage.
Mortal: The Face of Indian Gaming
Naman Mathur (Mortal), known as the face of Indian gaming, has consistently been recognized at the Esports Awards. His nomination for ‘Esports Personality of the Year’ marks his fourth consecutive appearance at the prestigious event. Mortal’s journey has inspired countless individuals in the Indian gaming community to pursue their gaming dreams. His top-notch gaming skills and engaging content have garnered him a massive following, making him a prominent figure in the gaming industry.
A Grateful Expression
Expressing their gratitude for the nominations, the co-founders of S8UL Esports, Lokesh Jain (Goldy) and Animesh Agarwal (8Bit Thug), expressed their joy at being recognized on the global Esports stage. They acknowledge the support of their fans and attribute their success to the dedication and contributions of the entire S8UL team in elevating Indian Esports to new heights.
Paving the Way for Indian Esports
S8UL’s achievements extend beyond accolades; the organization was recently honored with the ‘Global Impact on Mobile Gaming’ award at the inaugural MOBIES Awards. Their contribution to propelling the Indian mobile gaming sector to unprecedented heights further solidifies their position as pioneers in the gaming industry.
The Exciting Future
Looking forward, S8UL aims to remain at the forefront of both Esports and content creation globally. The organization’s vision is to continue inspiring and entertaining the gaming community in India while striving for excellence on the international stage. Mortal’s nomination serves as an inspiration to aspiring gamers, showing that Indians possess the potential to excel at the highest levels of Esports.
S8UL Gaming Fest: Celebrating Passionate Fans
In collaboration with The Esports Club, S8UL will host the first-ever gaming fest, the S8UL Gaming Fest. This two-day extravaganza, sponsored by Lenovo and Intel, will provide passionate fans from across the country with a unique and exciting gaming experience. The event will take place in Bengaluru from July 29-30, bringing together gaming enthusiasts and professionals for a memorable celebration of gaming culture.
S8UL Esports and Naman Mathur (Mortal) have undoubtedly made their mark on the international gaming stage. Their consecutive nominations for the Global Esports Awards 2023 showcase their dedication, talent, and contributions to the Indian gaming and Esports community. As they represent India once again at the prestigious event, they continue to inspire aspiring gamers and elevate Indian Esports to new heights. The gaming world eagerly awaits the outcome of the Esports Awards, and fans can show their support by voting for S8UL Esports and Mortal. Let’s celebrate S8UL’s achievements and wish them the best in their pursuit of international glory once again! Happy gaming!
Fans can vote for S8UL Esports and Mortal at: https://esportsawards.com/vote/