Billionaire Mukesh Ambani announced on Wednesday that his company, Reliance, is set to establish India’s inaugural and world-class carbon fiber facility in Hazira. Addressing the audience at the Vibrant Gujarat Summit, Ambani emphasized that Reliance is, has been, and will always be a company rooted in Gujarat.
More About the Carbon Fiber Facility by Reliance
Over the past decade, the Mukesh Ambani’s company has made significant investments, totaling over $150 billion (₹12 lakh crores), to develop state-of-the-art assets and capacities across India, with more than a third of this investment directed specifically to Gujarat. Ambani expressed the company’s commitment to contributing to Gujarat’s emergence as a global leader in green growth. Reliance aims to assist Gujarat in meeting half of its energy requirements through renewable sources by 2030.
Ambani highlighted the construction of the Dhirubhai Ambani Green Energy Giga Complex, spanning over 5,000 acres in Jamnagar, as a pivotal step towards achieving green objectives. The complex, slated for launch in the second half of 2024, will not only generate numerous green jobs but also facilitate the production of eco-friendly products and materials, positioning Gujarat as a leading exporter in this domain.
Furthermore, Reliance Jio achieved a significant milestone by completing the fastest deployment of 5G infrastructure globally. Ambani also pledged support for India’s bid to host the 2036 Olympics. Collaborating with various partners in Gujarat, Reliance and the Reliance Foundation will enhance education, sports, and skills infrastructure to foster future champions in Olympic sports.
Ambani expressed unwavering optimism about India’s economic trajectory, stating that nothing can hinder the nation from reaching a $35 trillion economy by 2047. In his vision, Gujarat alone is anticipated to evolve into a $3 trillion economy by the same timeframe. This reaffirms company’s commitment to not only drive economic growth but also contribute to sustainable and green initiatives on a global scale.